and other crazy happenings at my house this week!
My #4 (Brian) apparently needs to spend a little more time watching his daddy shave, and a little less time with his mommy.....because every time he is in the shower he hikes his little leg onto the shower wall to "shabe his wegs" with his razor.
Kate has many ambitions in life these days...
*Her greatest??----to stand on the dishwasher door...
Seriously...she can hear the door open from two rooms away and comes running to climb onto the door......
My next post may be....."The one in which I buy a new dishwasher door"
*Another ambition-----to see how many times she can push the power button on the cable box and make her brothers go crazy
*Thirdly-----she LOVES to see how fast she can unroll the T.P. before I catch have never seen a girl more frantic to get toilet paper off a roll ;)
*and last ----(although not really last---but the last I will report on--You're welcome ;)
She can climb out of her crib...If you remember this know she has been a climber her whole life-- She has been able to climb UP the slides at the park for a couple of months now.....I mean seriously steep slides....
Let me tell you the first time I found that out I had to scurry my little buns up the slide too....and it's a lot harder than it looks---but you don't want your 10 month old/1 year old wandering around at the top!!!!!
.....Any ideas on how to keep her in the crib???
On to my #2...Nicky....the poor guy inherited my scatterbrain....I can't tell you how many times I have had to take something up to him at school this year.....
This morning he was going crazy because he couldn't find his library book---the library book with the POLAR BEAR on the cover...He swore up and down he had left it on the dining room table.....I saw His papers on the table, and then threw them figuring I threw away the book with them, I went through the trash looking for his book......NO BOOK! We looked all over the house for 20 minutes...he blamed every sibling for losing/stealing his book.....then we found his bed.....y/k right where he left it last night after reading...:)----and there was no POLAR BEAR..........there was a CAMEL on the cover! LOL
The boys get a folder home every Monday with the lasts weeks papers and newsletters from the PTO and teachers etc..... It's a lot of stuff.....For the last 2 years I have gotten #1s (Alex's) folder was so perfect and neat...separated into sections....all nice and neat......Nick's papers keep coming home all stuffed in the folder....half of the papers sticking out the top and sides and totally crinkled up and just a complete mess.....Finally, I asked him who the helper was that was putting the papers in his folder like that (I assumed because Alex's was so neat, that there were parent helpers or some other adult that came up and put the papers in)----he said "I do it"....Then I asked Alex who does his....he said "I do, and always have".......AHEM.....
Finally....#3(Nathan)--- 5 days IN A ROW now, his teacher has reported on an injury (very minor) he had gotten on the playground....I think he is going for some kind of record.... :)
Well...those are just some of the crazy happenings at my house this week....How is your week??
4 weeks ago
I love it! Thanks for sharing your craziness. I too have a hard time unpacking the dishwasher without help. Kids are so fun! Oh, my bald Charlotte is completely jealous of those pigtail too...
Oh my gosh-I died laughing with the razor bit! Too funny :) Kids totally rock and I love their little doings!
Love Love Love your stories. You are able to take the mayhem and make it humor. I am not always able to do that! Thanks for the laughs today.
Hey. This is Stephanie Lavender (aka Ms. Lavender). I've been thinking about starting my own blog and have been exploring lots of different blogs out there. So when I saw the little blurb at the bottom of your e-mail this week, I took a little time to check yours out. It's sweet. I didn't even know until yesterday that there were 5 little ones in your house. Anyway...I don't know exactly what my blog would be about. Probably my faith, gardening, cooking, and what I've been reading. I just know that I often feel I have a lot to say and no one around to hear me. So - time will tell if it ever actually happens.
I got a good chuckle out of reading about Nick's folder. I really hadn't noticed if it was put together neatly or not. That's a new thing in 1st grade. The kids are in charge of stuffing their own folders. That's one reason why I send their "Monday folder" home every day. Less papers to sort through. Just to set your mind at ease, Nick hasn't exibited any signs of "scatterbrainess" at school. He is a with-it-on-the-ball first grader in all respects.
BTW - Your husband did a magnificent job reading yesterday. I told him so and to come back again, but I'm not sure he believed me.
Have you tried the crib tent? When Caleb started climbing out I had to move him to a toddler bed - he was only 18 mths old but he did great.
My K LOVES the darn toilet paper - it drives me crazy and yes the dishwasher is a favorite too. Gotta love toddlers!
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