My creative outlets change from time to time....sometimes it's scrapbooking, other times it's making jewelry, other times woodworking, and even others home decorating....Right now it's DRESS MAKING! I dragged out my old sewing machine...which subsequently broke(not my fault:) within two a new sewing maching and have been making some clothes for Kate ever since!......(You know in all my free time---- in between baseball and soccer games, driving kids back and forth to school, working out, changing umpteen diapers a day, making meals and well taking care of 5 kids under 8! etc. etc. etc.) So usually I do this in the middle of the night....good thing I don't require a lot of sleep! :)
I haven't done anything like this since 8th grade home economics---and unfortunately (or fortunately because I think of the story often and crack up) The only thing I remember from that class is my best friend trying to make a bathing suit as her first project...ha ha ha (sorry Ash :).., Sooooo, needless to say there has been some trial and error...but it's so much fun!
On a side note, I have to say I love being introduced to this world of girly stuff.....I would never have made a t-shirt and shorts for my boys...but that I'll make!
So without further ado....Here is the first dress.....Well ,at least the first dress that I am willing to show you :)
This is actually a little halter top for Kate for the 4th of July....I am working on some little blue gingham bloomers to go with it right now.....I'm sure there will be some pictures of little Kate wearing this outfit to show you come about July 5th ☺
I am going to link to another cute little blog that makes some amazing go over there and check out "Made by You Mondays" at her site: Skip to My Lou!
That is SOOOO stinking cute! I'm impressed!:)
GREAT JOB! next project you want a monogram on send me the fabric and we can do some really girly stuff!
Awesome! I have a sewing machine and I have started a couple things. I am loving it right now!!
It turned out beautiful. I love it. Wow the kids have grown. I love your header. So sweet.
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