11th folder
September 2007
11th picture

This photo is in my 11th folder, photo #11. This is a picture of Alex yelling OOOOOOOOO-U as the kicker kicks off at the OU at Iowa State football game..My brother and his family came up to visit us in Nebraska, and then we all drove over to Ames, Iowa to watch our Sooners play. Despite the fact the game was pretty boring, it was a really fun day. The boys were so excited because we were able to sit close to the field and they could hear the crunch from each tackle. They even went down to the wall at the end of the game and the players came over and gave all the kids a high five as they exited the field!
To join in on the random fun visit Brittany at 4 Little Men and Girly Twins.
Cute, he is all decked out in his team gear.
Lovin' the angle on this one! You take great pics!
That's cute...awesome pic. I've seen this going around..I'll have to try it later.
how cute is that picure!!
As always I love this picture. It is always so much fun to take children to football games. Great to see the expression on their faces.
Sounds like fun, great pic!
Great pic!
You can feel the excitement in this photo and the colors are wonderful! Very nice!
Hello Liz,
I have given you an award over at my blog:
Looks like a lot of fun! I should g et in on this challenge one of these days.
how fun!!! love baseball
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