I did not buy hair clippers this week so I could start cutting the boys hair on my own....though if I had, I sure wouldn't have used my unsuspecting three year old as my guinea pig.....and because I didn't use him as my guinea pig, his hair did not keep getting shorter and shorter, ahem, and SHORTER....until he looked like a bald little old man.
I also didn't allow him to "shave" with his toothbrush.
I didn't cut all the boys hair this week...but if I had they might look something like this......

I have not had any trouble hiding the fact that I am pregnant from the whole world y/k cause I am such a good "secret keeper"...and I did not finally "out" myself on Saturday....
Not a single person made a comment about whether or not I was hoping for a girl....
The pregnancy was not a COMPLETE shock to me and I am not the least bit overwhelmed at the thought of 5 kids...ummm boys.... 8 and under....or even better when they all get to be teenagers!
I have not completely run out of BOY names.....and would just hate it if you all gave me some suggestions...
I am not wondering what is going to happen to all the trees that are budding out if we have a freeze before spring...what's wrong with these trees? why are the so confused?
I am not going to go take a nap right now while Brian is asleep....cause I'm not tired, nauseated, or having constant headaches from these lovely pregnancy hormones!
See y'all next week!
Ah! A kindred spirit! Fun post: love the spinbrush-shaver! Do you think that'll work with my 13 1/2 year old? Are you having a 5th boy? I will be of no help in that area...but I do have 4 lovely combos for girls' names!
I was completely out of the loop this weekend and when I clicked on your page and saw the pregnancy countdown I about had a heart attack!!!! YAY Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Let me tell you...after the three boys we were DONE and Allie was a COMPLETE shock!!! I cried for weeks I was so depressed because there was no way I could handle one more and I didn't want anymore..I was through. Throughout most of the pregnancy I was alittle stressed and down about it but as soon as I saw her face everything changed! Now there are still days I pull my hair out and go insane because I am so stressed but when I see her smile it's all worth it! Since this is your SHOCKER much like mine was this will be your girl :) That's when it happens! I'm so
Whatever this child turns out to be you can handle it. You are a terrific mama and although I am soooo pulling for you to get your little girl, I know whatever the outcome you will persevere!!!!
I am assumming you will find out via US and not wait until due date????
Also, remember these boys will someday have kiddos of their own and you will surely get a girl out of one of them-if not now!!!!
Love you!
Hey there, Congratulations, suprise babies are the best, I should know I was a HUGE suprise to my parents. My Stray was a complete suprise to us and would not trade him for anything. I LOVE playing the name game, so just come see me for advice. I hubby will never play, even when the child is right infront of us and we had to have a name, he just kept saying I like Chuck-A (which was his birth name)so it stayed. I really wish I had found another T name, (I had one picked out but he so did not look like a Trevor). Now I would have three boys with T names if I had, LOL.
My husband took it upon hisself to cut Chuck-A's hair and yea a little balded on top.
Still loving you blog.
I so hope you get a girl (I have a house of blue too) but I'm sure all us bloggy friends will be glad to help you come up with a boy name if you need it :-)
I think their haircuts look great...and I can only bet it costs a pretty penny to get them all cut at the same time. Clippers were a great investment.
Hoping for a girl for you too:)
Just stopped by. Couldn't help myself when I saw that you have 4 boys. And then to see you are preggo-- congrats. I'll have to keep following your blog to see how this 5th child thing goes. We're 2 mos away from #4- all girls. Their hair looks good:)
I think a great boy name would be Noah or Liam, and for a girl Emmeline or Caroline. Hope you are feeling better soon!
I love the short haircuts- but then my boys sport short haircuts often. Their dad cuts their hair!
I am crossing my fingers that you get a girl! My 4th is a girl. I have friend that has 4 boys and then a girl. It is possible- no reason not to hope. You are all set for a boy but a girl sure would be fun!!
So funny - I sometimes get confused by the Not Me's. When you wrote about no one mentioning you having a girl, I thought, "But I did! And I thought I saw someone who said that!" The I realized it - DUH! She's being sarcastic. Haha Congrats again. But I can't help you on boy names... it was hard enough naming ONE.
there are so many fun things about boys... what's a few more games, stinky socks, and or course.... feeding them all!!! ha
Love the haircuts. I hope you're over the nausea and headaches soon.
I am so excited for ya! So I go away for the weekend and come back to a surprise. The boys will be AWESOME big brothers!
Congrats on the pregnancy! I will pray that all goes well for you and the baby. The boy's haircuts are too cute! I cut my boys hair - it is sooo much cheaper!
Congratulations!!! How exciting! Now you will hopefully be able to change your header to 4 boys plus a girl!
Liz - Hey there. I didn't expect to leave a comment tonight, but now that I see you're expecting, I wanted to say congrats from Omaha. Very happy for you all. I have to say that I never figured myself as a blog reader, let alone a blogger, but your site, as well as some of the ones you follow, are quite inspiring. So much so that I just started one of my own (first post last Friday, but haven't even emailed a link to the whole family just yet). You can check it out at http://babygirlandboo.blogspot.com/ I think this blogging thing is not only a practical way of keeping family and friends (and complete strangers) updated, but also a great way of reflecting on the important things in life. We'll have to see if the theraputic benefits outweigh the increased lack of sleep it will surely casue. Say hi to Nima and the boys for us. We wish you all the best on the healthy and safe arrival of your next bundle of joy.
I have been missing out on your blog and man am I out of the loop! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! I am so excited for you and I know that you will be a fabulous mother to 5 wonderful children. How fun would a girl be? My husband wanted 5 boys and we have 2 boys and 1 girl but I don't think that we are finished yet. Look forward to keeping up with you throughout the pregnancy!
God doesn't give you more than you can handle. The shock will wear off and #5 will fit right in to the mix of your lives. I miss that new baby smell. Wish I had a #5 too. Hope you have a minivan. I know my Sienna will fit five carseat/booster seats. By the way, I loved what you wrote about Brian's baptism and the woman who was so moved by your boys love for each other.
your boys are ridiculously adorable...thanks for sharing!!
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