Welcome to Not Me! Monday! A blog carnival created by the incredible MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week
Here is my list for this week:
I do not think Nathan is one of the funniest little boys I have ever met...He did not give me several examples this week to confirm that fact. He was not voted unanimously by all of his cousins as the funniest cousin.. and it does not crack me up that they get together and vote on things like that.....I have not wondered what other things they vote on...
Example number one that Nathan is not hilarious:
I did not make some cherry jello jigglers the other day because they are completely void of nutritional value. But if by some chance we had the jiggily little squares of sweetness in our refrigerator, Nathan did not upon eating a jello jiggler stain the side of his forehead red. And since we didn't have any jello jigglers in our house, I did not frantically think he was bleeding...AND, When I asked him why his head was bleeding his IMMEDIATE response was not,
"My Gramma Betty pushed me into the pond with her lake shoes and I got bit by an alligator."
What? I know that can't be right because neither of his Gramma's are named Betty...
Example number two that Nathan is not hilarious....
He has not decided that his clothes are no longer for him and has
not now decided to only wear his baby brothers clothes....

Example number 3 that Nathan is not hilarious:
He does not have an imaginary friend named Jackie...who he calls his "brother Jackie"...Why would the child need an imagainary brother when he has three real ones?
Jackie does not also wear baby Brian's clothes.
I was not reminded last week why I am so glad we no longer live in the frozen tundra and have days like this only once or twice a winter instead of ALL winter....The boys do not LOVE to play in the snow, and I equally as much do not HATE STRONGLY DISLIKE to clean up the mess of clothes and slush after they play in it. Oh I know they look like they are having fun.....but they have a lot of fun in the pool too and it is warm and requires much less clothing....
Here are my snow angels not getting all muddy and wet in the snow...

I did not send the boys over to my neighbors house while he was outside sledding with his kids...All the while staying in the warmth of my home with my sweet little baby.... I did not think that this was the perfect babysitting payback that he had been asking for, ya know, for all the times his kids play at my house....

Brian grunted and pointed, just begging me to go outside and play in the snow....and this is not the closest I allowed him to get to the outside...poor guy, he just wants to have fun too.
That's it for me this week.....Hope y'all have a wonderful Monday!
LOVED your Not Me's and loved hopping over here so I could connect your pretty profile photo with your gorgeous BOYS! Who knew you had 4!? I mean, I know YOU did, but it is seared in my brain now. Until you change your profile photo. Oh, brother. Thanks for all the great comments you leave on my blog and loved your nice LONG Not Me's! The best kind!
Those were great and Nathan is hilarious. I am loving the pictures of him in his brother's clothes. He is too much. I hear ya on the snow too. We have had almost 50 inches and I am sick of it...wishing I didn't live in the frozen tundra. Ugh
Great NMM's. Don't you just love snow? I'm pretty sick of it here too. Now it's just a big melting mess of slush that freezes up just enough overnight to be all sorts of fun in the early morning. Matter of fact my Christopher (California boy) just got his truck stuck and missed getting Cade up to the bus so he now has to take him to school. He also was blocking the driveway so my teenager couldn't hardly get out. Luckily my teen is more experienced with snow and managed to get around him in time. It makes me giggle to watch him get so mad at this weather. I know he secretly wishes he lived back in California.
Tell Nathan to say "hi" to "Jackie" for me, k? ; )
I love that shot of the boys lying in the snow!
Thanks for letting us know what you didn't do this week!
I just LOVE your clothes predicament!!!!!
Poor Brian..if we had snow I would tell his adorable little face that he could come here and I'd take him out but we don't get any and I hate going out in it too!!!! but I love the pictures that you can get in the snow!!! Those are great!
Loved your NOT Me's! And those Sooner jest hats are awesome! Those snow pics made me miss Tulsa so bad. That the main thing we miss about Oklahoma is the snow. We get zero in Houston.
I love the not me's. I have 3 boys. It is so much fun!!
Great list!! At least he's WEARING clothes, right?
The clothes are cracking me up! And how funny that he made up "Gramma Betty". The boys look so bundled up and cozy in their snow clothes. I bet that's a pain to clean/sort through when they are ready for inside play!
Nathan is one funny cousin.. and boy!
Because Nathan is not funny, I didn't laugh while reading this post...not... ;o)
LOVE your NMM! Brian is adorable just staring out the window.
Love your not me's and your blog. I have been stalking for a while! I also have 4 boys so it is fun to see other moms with the same stresses with a bunch of boys! Have a great week!
Loved your Not Me's! I guess it is a good thing that Nathan has brothers and not sisters if he is going to wear their clothes :)
Number 76 on McMama, not bad, I am like in the 300's, darn that doctor's appointment. Love the clothes issues, my 4 year old once put on a shirt and said "mom why does this not fit?" to which I replyed, "because it's your brothers" and two sizes to small;) See you around, thanks for visiting my site. Kristi
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