First....A kids say the darndest things moment...
Today as we were getting ready to leave the carpool line, Nick was lolli-gagging around, trying to avoid getting into his booster seat to put his seatbelt on ......I looked in the rear view mirror and asked him to hurry and get buckled up before we got moving out of the school parking lot....Nathan (the little worry wart that he is)...yelled back at him..."Ya, Nick, you better get your seatbelt on or the policeman is gonna arrest you and put you in jail.....
Nick, with a smirk on his face as if to say, you dont' know what you are talking about little boy, quipped back with the comment, "Duh, Nathan, don't you mean Juvi?...Ya know, dude, that's where kids go to jail, so obviously you don't know what you are talking about..... Psh...
Ummm, Really? So who's been telling him about "Juvi"?
Ok and now a few photos of what we've been up to lately...

Here is Alex during the Holy Moses musical...the first to fifth graders led the worship service last Sunday...they did a wonderful job telling the story of Moses....Alex had a one line speaking part and was #5 of the 10 Commandments...

That is hysterical about JUVI...oh my. The things they come up with. HILARIOUS!
Loved all the pictures. Oh my the dance one is just too precious. How fun! Thanks for the update post...I enjoyed seeing all the fun activities.
I love those pics. Basketball was fun this year with Lucas was our first year doing that so it took some getting used to but we had a blast. I love the dance pic!!! How incredibly adorable!!! Oh I think I would've shed a tear or two there :)
JUVI cracks me up...seriously! How do they even know that. The dance is precious...what did PC think about it? Just looking for a guy's perspective. How are you feeling?
Well I don't know how I haven't run into your blog earlier. Since we are both in OK, and both on SITS.
Your boys are adorable. I just love the pic of the dance. Too cute! My oldest is starting Pre-K in Aug. I can't wait for those moments. They are just priceless.
Busy busy busy!!! The dance is adorable, love the pipe cleaners, the musical looks fun! Your boys are just so darned handsome!
Hope you're feeling well!
CONGRATULATIONS!!! I just read your comment...totally remember you as the mom of four have a sweet profile photo (if you ever change it I'll be messed up!) and HAD to come over here and say congratulations!!!!
(The big question on my mind: Will you find out gender before birth?)
Yeah for you guys! I DO have some catching up to do!
Holy Cow!!! I'm so EXCITED for you!!! I was gone for 2 weeks and really didn't get a lot of time to read blogs. So I decided to 'catch' up tonight since I'm back home.
I clicked on you blog and immediately saw the baby ticker and thought to myself "boy did I miss something." So then I went back and read up to where I stopped reading before I left for Ohio.
I'm so HAPPY for you!!! Maybe this one will be a sweet little girl!
Gee, I thought I was busy with 2 boys, you have me outbeat! I love it when they do shows. My 5 year old hasnt been in one at all this year. It will be nice when he starts CCD and learns more about Jesus. I already tried on my own best I can.
Congrats on the baby!!! And "Juvi," too funny!
Really..Where has he been learning about Juvi?That was funny though! The k-5 dancing was just too cute!!!
What a beautiful family:-) You are truly blessed.
Hee hee about the juvi comment, don't forget to write it down.
Love, love, love all the pics too!
What a cute picture!! I love the boys holding hands!!
Are you already teaching them about juvy? A little young don't ya think? :p [I like-y the pics!]
*On a complete side note, did you get that email I sent you?
Y'all have been busy lately for sure! I love the idea of that dance and I am sure that WAS the cutest thing!!
Okay, that kindergarten dance? How adorable is that! Oh my!!!!
Hugs and blessings!
Love the dance pics, so precious. All those boys keep us busy, huh!?! We are in the middle of basketball for Andrew, Luke and Jack start baseball next week. Fun,fun,fun!
love and blessings from ga~erin
I love the holding hands pics. I'm sure you already know how much they love on eachother, but they are best buds during JAM class. Always holding hands, signing to eachother etc. It's so refreshing. xo
Juvi...So funny! Boys sort of have a fascination with cops and jail don't they? Plus, I have been on a blog-cation and I now need to say CONGRATULATIONS!!! WOW! You go girl! I have 2 that keep my busy so I know that you are sooo fantastic with the kiddos!!!
Love the "juvi" comment... but love the little dance even more!! Oh my goodness, how cute is that?! Did they get grossed out by all the touching, or was it no big deal? Start them young and kids will have no problems with cross-gender activities. I'm always working on my older kids to hold hands or be partners with the opposite sex. Ooh, and love your shout out from MckMama! : )
You have been busy! Your kids are adorable (as always). The Juvi comments was so funny! We have the get your seatbelt on so you don't got to jail conversation quite often! LOL
I gave you an award, come on over and get it!!
Those pictures are cute! I love the one of them holding hands :) Yes, kids do say the funniest things...That one brought a smile to my face!
Hope you are feeling good?
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