This week's theme is "SILLY"....I have such an abundance of silly photos...it's kind of unbelievable...but this is one of my favorites of all time....Didn't I tell you in this "Not Me Monday" post that Nathan is hilarious?
Head on over to I ♥ Faces to enjoy some more Silly Face photos!
To fully "get" this photo you have to know a little background. This was taken last winter right after baby Brian was born. We were living in Nebraska and it had snowed (AGAIN) and the boys wanted to play outside. I let Alex and Nick go play in the snow, but it was too deep for Nathan to walk around by himself, and obviously I couldn't go out there with him. Sooooo, Nathan decided he would get dressed to go out all by himself. He was REALLY mad at me for not letting him go outside in his "snow outfit", so I didn't get a lot of smiles in this photo session! (PLUS he was in his weird smile phase at the time) :) Here's a couple more....y/k just for your enjoyment! The shoes are Alex's basketball shoes--obviously a little big...Nathan DOES have clothes of his own, he just has never liked to wear them! As many commented after this post...it's a good thing he has brothers and not sisters if he is going to wear his siblings clothes and shoes!
Oh geez..now that's funny!
He is so cute. Love the goggles.
He is so silly, :) very cute.
Silly and cute!
What a cute story to go with a cute (& silly) photo.
Looks like Scuba Steve is ready to go...LOL. That is so funny! Good luck on the contest this week!!!
That is one sexy combo of an outfit!
Haha Love it!!
That is quite the "get up!" And of course it wouldn't be the same without ALL the parts! HA!
Cute photo and story! :)
co-founder of I ♥ Faces
That is really cute! It fun to see other people's entries!
BOOMER!!! I see you are an Okie blogger ~ where are you? Me ~ BA! He is too cute and funny! Quite the outfit!
I must know where you got the frog hat from? My 2 year old and myself loooove Frogs!!!
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