It's a darn good thing the tornado didn't hit our house. My dad and brother wouldn't stop calling me to let me know the tornado was headed our way and to ask me if we were in the closet...Uh, ya, I would be if you would QUIT CALLING ME! :)....And I, the brilliant woman that I am, kept getting out of the closet to answer the phone~! We don't have a cordless phone (I have a little issue with forgetting to put the phone on the charger~and so we have decided to only use corded phones at our house, ya know in order to have a phone that actually works.) Apparently they do not know that. They are so sweet~always looking out for me! (and to be fair I asked them to call when I needed to take shelter~they were just doing their job :)
Seriously though, this was the closest I have been to actually being hit by a tornado. At least six houses have been reported to be completely destroyed in the neighborhood just north of us (a little less than a mile) and at least one injury has been reported (so far). I am sure dawn will show even more destruction..Alex's school is north of our house and was also in the path of the tornado. (but praise God was not hit).. His school was on lock down so I couldn't go get him until all the storms were over. Nick was in school as well, (different school) but I was able to retrieve him after the first tornado came through (only after a short stay in the girl's bathroom with a Kindergarten and First Grade class while the second storm blew threw~visualize baby in bathroom crawling on floor~that was really fun, let me tell ya!) But after that, we merrily found our way home through the dozens of police cars, ambulances and firetrucks headed to the neighborhood north of us!
Needless to say, it was very scary...
This Mama Hen wanted all her little chickens under my wing and not scattered all over town. On top of all that Prince Charming is out of town until tomorrow! Our power went off in the middle of the tornado and stayed off for 4 hours or so. We are pretty much back to normal now..
If you have a moment, please shoot up a little prayer for the tornado victims (the neighborhood affected goes to Alex's school and he has several friends that live there...and I know his teacher lives in that neighborhood too)...Also, give praise for the apparent lack of casualties from today's tornadoes...
I know there were businesses affected as well (which of course is not good during these economic times) well as other destruction all over the OKC metro area. Prayers for all of those people too!
Hope your day was less exciting than mine! :)
Seriously i saw it on tv tonight and started freaking out. It missed my grandmother and aunt but then I thought about you and knew how close you lived. I'm so happy and relieved to hear that you're all okay. I'll keep everyone around you in my prayers tonight!!!!
Oh my...I am so glad that you all were safe. I will pray for those people directly affected. How scary for everyone.
Glad you guys are safe and sound. Prayers go out to the OKC area tonight :)
So happy to see that you all are ok. Prayers are going out to everyone else affected by the tornadoes.
Your boys are so precious!!
How SCARY!! I'm glad you guys are all ok!
So glad you are all safe!I think they are headed this way :(
Will say a prayer for your community!
Wow I just saw this on the news and came to your site as soon as i could. I am SOOOO glad you guys are all ok. I said a prayers just as soon as I saw it on the news. All our friends there seem to be ok. Most of the folks we know live in Edmond.
That is the one thing I DO NOT miss about Oklahoma. For that reason I am so glad to be back in TEXAS!!!
So glad you are safe!
Wow what a day you had. Glad everyone is ok.
sorry i wasn't there, babe....this is one of the reasons why i married such a tough chick!
campus corner bar fights and tornadoes!
Glad you are all ok! I have spent many a time in closets myself hiding from tornadoes, but I must say I have never used a helmet! Cute!
Wow! Glad you guys are alright! I'm praying for the other families in your neighborhood.
Oh wow! So glad to hear you guys are ok!
In prayer for those affected.
Oh, that is WAY too close for comfort. I am so glad that you all are ok, but will certainly pray for those affected.
I'm south of you but still in a "hot" tornado area and they scare me SO much!!
This was on the news here today! SOO glad that you and your precious family are safe! So sorry for the loss of the others.
We are glad you and the boys are okay.
Scary! Glad you guys survived. I would have never thought to put on helmets..good thinking. Love the new picture in your header.
wow... stay safe!! prayers for sure!!!
How scary! Why do these things always happen when the dads are out of town? : )
Glad you guys are okay.
I am on your blog for the first time and all i can say is scary, but it was good to hear that you all are ae ok.
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